Rug Wall Hanging

Transform Your Space with Rug Wall Hangings

Rug Wall Hanging

Enhance the beauty of your home and infuse a sense of history with captivating wall hanging rugs from Rug Guru.

Introducing Our Wall Hanging Service

At Rug Guru, we specialize in turning rugs into stunning pieces of art that adorn your walls. Our wall hanging service allows you to create a unique and captivating ambiance in your home.

Preserving Craftsmanship and History

Our tapestry, silk rugs, and valuable textiles gain new life when hung on your walls. Beautiful tapestries, kilims, and silk rugs reveal distinct perspectives when displayed as wall hangings. These exquisite pieces often become cherished family heirlooms, showcasing their fine design detail and skilled workmanship.

Expert Guidance for Hanging Rugs

High-quality rugs can be delicate, and improper hanging can lead to irreversible damage. Our experts guide you through the proper methods of hanging to enhance, protect, and display the craftsmanship of your rugs.

Preserving Textile Art

We understand that each textile requires unique handling. With an array of gentle methods, we ensure that your valuable rugs and tapestries are preserved for generations to come.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Unlike temporary solutions like push pins or carpet tack strips, we recommend a more elegant approach. Avoid uneven fabric weight distribution and potential damage by opting for our professional hanging methods.

Transform Your Home with Artful Elegance

Experience the transformative power of rug wall hangings. Grace your walls with the rich art form of woven textiles. Our exquisite style and design will elevate your home's visual warmth and elegance.

Your Trusted Rug Wall Hanging Partner

The Rug Guru is your partner in bringing artful elegance to your home. With our seamless wall hanging service, we accentuate the beauty of your home decor.

Contact us today at (09) 815-9625 to explore the world of rug wall hangings.

  • Some of our Wall Hanging Photos
Making a Rug To Be Hanged on the wall Rug Hanging on Wall Rug Hanging on Wall3 Rug wall Hanging By Rug Guru 2  Rugs Wall Hanging Auckland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 09:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 16:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM - 14:00 PM